On June 4, 2019, the students of fundamental physics of the Institute of Physics and Technology and Informational Systems and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology visited the laboratories of the Russian Quantum Center in Skolkovo. The students had the opportunity to visit the following labs: Laboratory of quantum optics (led by Alexander Lvov, professor of the Oxford University), Laboratory of quantum simulators and integrated photonics (headed by Alexey Akimov, professor of the Texas A & M University) and several others. In every laboratory students talked with young researchers. In the laboratory of quantum optics, students were able to discuss physical problems with Professor Anatoly Masalov, chief researcher at the Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science.

The tour was organized with a help of Ph.D. student of the Moscow State Pedagogical University Sychev Demid and MSPU Young Minds Section Vice-President Magaryan Konstantin.
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