Since October 1989 in Kazan on the basis of the Kazan E.K. Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute (KPTI), Professor V.V. Samartsev began to hold small annual seminars called “Workshop on Quantum Optics”, where guest lecturers gave lectures on a specific scientific problems. In 1993, V Workshop on quantum optics first took place outside Kazan, they were held in the Republic of Mari El (Russia) on Lake Tair and were dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor Uno Kopvillem. VI Workshop, which took place in 1994 in the KPTI assembly hall, were dedicated to the memory of Yuri Sheybut. In 1999 the Workshop in the first tome became international and were dedicated to the 60th anniversary of their organizer and inspirer – Professor Vitaly Samartsev.
Excursion in Vladimir Lab tour in VSU (Vladimir State University)
As part of the conference, time was planned for excursions to the sights of Vladimir, as well as labs at the Vladimir State University.
Conference participants visited various historical places, such as:
The Dormition Cathedral in Vladimir was a mother church of Medieval Russia in the 13th and 14th centuries. It is part of a World Heritage Site, the White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal.
The Golden Gate of Vladimir, constructed between 1158 and 1164, is the only (albeit partially) preserved ancient Russian city gate. A museum inside focuses on the history of the Mongol invasion of Russia in the 13th century.

In Vladimir, many can admire. Among the bright sights of the city, an observation deck stands apart- a favorite place for evening walks of Vladimir residents, because it is in the evenings that this place acquires amazing magic. This is a small platform on a hill near the Assumption Cathedral, on Kozlovsky Val. It offers a wonderful panoramic view of the whole city, and on the site itself — a monument to Prince Vladimir.
Also, the participants got acquainted with the scientific part of the Vladimir State University, in particular with the Department of Physics and Applied Mathematics, and also visited the femtonanophotonics laboratory.

«Round table» discussion with young scientists
As part of the XIII International Workshop on Quantum Optics, held in Vladimir, September 9 — 14, 2019, a section of the European Physical Society (EPS Young minds section) in the «round table» format was organized. At the beginning of the section the president of Moscow branch of Young Minds section («Moscow State Pedagogical University Young Minds Section») Artem Arzhanov gave a brief presentation, in which he spoke about the organization’s activities, events held with EPS support (HBSM-2018), and about the opportunities provided by EPS Young Minds to young scientists around the world. Most part of the meeting was devoted to the presentations of young scientists (Evgeniy Vasiliev (MSU), Pavel An (MSPU), Demid Sychev (MSPU, RQC), Evgeniy Popov (SPBSTU), Latypov Ilnur (KPTI)) about their scientific group and about the scientific work that is being carried out there. The meeting was also attended by leading scientists:
Naumov A.V (Institute of Spectroscopy RAS, Moscow State Pedagogical University)
Goltsman G.N. (Moscow State Pedagogical University, Scontel),
Kotova S.P. (P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, LPI Branch in Samara)
Kalachev A.A. (Kazan Federal University, Department of Optics and Nanophotonics)
Alodzhanc A.P. (ITMO University, Faculty of Laser Photonics and Optoelectronics)
to whom everyone could ask any question that concern them in an informal setting. Such meetings allow young scientists to expand their knowledge outside their particular area of interest, create new collaborations between different research groups, stimulate more people to be engaged in science, and learn about new opportunities provided by EPS Young Minds.
Award ceremony for best poster/oral talk at IWQO-2019

At the conference, a competition
was held for the best oral / poster presentations of young scientists (under
35), as well as awards and prizes for the audience sympathy for the best
posters. Representatives of the organizing committee, Vladimir State University
Arakelyan S., Gubin M., Prokhorov A., Karimullin K., as well as the Board Member
of Quantum Electronics and Optics Division of the European Physical Society – Naumov
A. presented diplomas and certificates of various degrees as awards. For the
absolute winners, our section has prepared special glass figurines with the
symbols of the conference.
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